Homemade Chocolate, healthy chill pill

Homemade Chocolate, healthy chill pill

Scientific studies have shown that dark chocolate — sorry, milk and white chocolate don’t count — is rich in ANTIOXIDATNS and packed with nutrients, making this bittersweet treat a SUPERFOOD favorite.

Health benefits of chocolate

*Boosts brain function-The cocoa found in chocolate helps increase blood flow to the brain which leads to faster reaction time, better problem solving skills, and improved attention span. Not only that, but increased blood flow to the brain also improves short term memory and decreases mental decline in seniors.

* Good for heart-The flavonoids in chocolate help increase blood flow to the heart as well which helps to prevent blood clots and hardening of the arteries. Eating a small amount of dark chocolate a few times a week has been shown to lower blood pressure.

* Keeps you young- Quality dark chocolate, not the sugary kind, is full of antioxidants that have anti-aging benefits to the skin. Not only that, but the same flavonoids that increase blood flow to the heart and brain also increase blood flow to the skin giving off a healthy glow.

* Stimulates your feeling of "JOY"-Cocoa boosts levels of serotonin and endorphins in the brain which leads to improved mood. So when you’re feeling down and you’re craving something sweet it’s likely the boost in serotonin that your body is really craving. It helps to lesser your stress level.

* Improves your sleep
Chocolate is a great source of magnesium which has been dubbed“the original chill pill”. Getting more magnesium through diet leads to better sleep contributing to improved resilience to stress. Another study found: when test subjects who considered themselves to be highly stressed people ate an ounce and a half of dark chocolate a day for two week had a drop in stress hormones.


Chocolate is every where when it comes to sweetness. Bakery, cakes cookies, ice-creams chocolates are used extensively. As it brings smile to your face and you feel joyful when you have a bite of chocolate we can not imagine a party without chocolate. Hot chocolate is a trending hot beverage. 

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